School-based Traineeships
Since 2015, we have been working with Tiwi College and the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) to help Tiwi College students undertake school-based traineeships. The program allows the young men and women to develop work skills to help them in their transition from school to working life.
For the boys, we combine the Certificate II in Sport and Recreation with the school’s studies which keep young men interested in school. The trainees get paid for running coaching clinics for primary school students.
We also have two young women undertaking the Certificate II in Business as school-based training. Our trainer, Debra Marshall visits the College throughout the year to deliver training face-to-face.
Congratulations and well done to all students who completed traineeships or finished school this year. Both the Tiwi College community and broader Tiwi Islands community are proud of your achievements.