Employment Services support job seekers to meet their mutual obligations with Centrelink, and prepare Tiwi for employment.
Our consultants work with around 740 job seekers on the Islands to identify their individual goals and develop a plan working towards employment. During 2018/2019, we helped 130 Tiwi people to gain employment.
Job seekers are encouraged and supported to apply for positions as they become available, with resumes and mock job interviews as required. We have been commended by employers for the level of job-readiness demonstrated by applicants referred by TITEB.
Employment support packages are available including outcome payments for employing and retaining job seekers – and we handle the paperwork for you. We provide a personalised and dedicated service to employers to develop and recruit suitable candidates, organise training and provide post-placement support for employees in the first 13-26 weeks in the job.
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