In June 2023, TITEB commenced an 18-month Job Trials program. The Job Trails are part of the Federal Government’s plan to replace the CDP with a new program which offers real jobs, proper wages and decent conditions – developed in partnership with First Nations people.
TITEB board members and staff consulted with Tiwi community members and other stakeholders to come up with innovative ideas and approaches to remote employment. Current projects include: the Headstone Project, Farm and Lawn Mowing Crew at Wurrumiyanga, and Market Gardens at both Milikapiti and Pirlangimpi. Additional projects will be determined by a community panel working with employers.
As part of the Job Trials, up to 42 casual positions with key host employers and community projects will be subsidised. Participants will receive personalised assistance to help build their skills and confidence in the workplace, including the training, certification and licensing needed for employment.
To join or contribute to this program, please contact: Murray Liddle, CDP Jobs Trial Mentor (based at Pirlangimpi)
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