Wurrumiyanga RSAS services
School bus
The RSAS Team provides a bus service for all Tiwi students. Please let the RSAS Team know if a child in your care requires collection. Children catching the bus must be ready and waiting at the front of the house by 7.30 each morning.
Family follow-up visits
After roll call each morning, RSAS staff follow-up with the families of children not at school. Where possible, they will support the child to get to school.
All follow-up visits are reported to the school and Truancy Officers. Our aim is to assist with various support service referrals and identify ways to support child/family and community to overcome attendance issues.
Additional follow up visits and service referrals
Throughout the day RSAS also assist with various follow up visits as requested by schools and as needs are identified.
No school no shop
RSAS Staff visit local store/s to make sure children are not hanging around and encourage them back to school and talk with community members. RSAS ‘no school no shop’ signs are displayed at stores and takeaways, RSAS continue to work with community leaders and store managers to ensure this policy is enforced.
Community/school events and meetings
The RSAS Team supports all school events, and team member/s attend all relevant meetings and community events. A schedule of all relevant events and meetings is regularly updated and shared with stakeholders. Copies of are displayed at each school and TITEB office, and can be downloaded from the TITEB website.