End of Year Hampers
Tiwi families did well last year with ensuring that their children achieved 100% school attendance. Every student with 85% to 100% attendance went into the draw to win the Yellow Shirts hamper. The hampers were big hit with all the schools and lots of children have set goals for 100% attendance for 2020.
Congratulations to all our winning students and their families:
Winners from MCPS: William Pupangamirri, Wayne Pilakui, Yasmine Puautjimi, Norma Tipungwuti, and Alexandria Tipungwuti. Not pictured: Olando Ullungura
Winners from Xavier Catholic College: Max Kerinaiua (Jrn), Kourtney Rimmer, Miriam Puruntatameri, and Jeremena Apuatimi.
Winners from Pirlangimpi School: Sheldon Kantilla, Sheldon Kantilla and Verius Bourke.
Winners from Milikapati School: Rayna Darcy, David Austral Jnr and Kaylon Brown. Not pitcured: Trish Tipiloura