Tiwis working hard for their community
Chris Brogan, CDP Engagement Officer talks about the important work being done by CDP participants at Milikapiti.
Women work in screen printing, creating printed textiles from original artworks by Tiwi ladies. Artwork is hand silkscreen printed onto fabric and made up into dresses, skirts, bags and cushions, that tell the Tiwi story.
Some of the women also work in hydroponics, growing vegetables that are keeping our community healthy. Veggies from Milikapiti Hydroponics are used in school lunches and sold in the general store.
TITEB has also invested in a sawmill for the men to use. When nuisance trees, such as mahoganies, are cut down nothing is wasted. This beautiful wood is milled for tables and chairs by CDP participants and set up around the community, at the TITEB office, school and airport.
When contractors come to the island and need workers, some of the men will go and work with them. Enquiries should be directed to the CDP Manager, TITEB.