Volunteering Leads to Work
The Red Cross hosts CDP activities, which means that CDP participants help out with Red Cross programs like the youth program and holiday program, as well as gardening. Alison Vigona is proof that CDP participation can lead to work.
Alison has been at the Red Cross for a year now. She began by volunteering, going in to check out what the organisation was doing. She says that sitting down and observing or helping is a really good way to put your foot forward – and that way you’re there when opportunities come through.
Charlotte Portaminni is another full-time employee at Red Cross. Charlotte is part-time youth, part-time emergency services, and Charlotte is part-time admin and youth. She believes that it’s good to do courses such as like first aid training or literacy improve your chance of getting a job. She’s noticed that TITEB is really helpful for early school leavers to get the qualifications they need.