Tiwis job ready for Port Melville

Tiwis job ready for Port Melville

Categories: Employment

Port Melville, Port Manager, Lindsay Whiting is a Tiwi man. He is committed to working with the community to get Tiwis job ready for positions at Port Melville.

The main activities at Port Melville are shipping of woodchips and bulk fuels. At the moment pilot boat drivers are flying in from Queensland. This is one job that Lindsay would like to see filled by a Tiwi.

Over the last few years there have been jobs available but no Tiwi with the skills to fill the roles. In the future, there is potential for a pilot boat driver, tankerman, gardener, full time maintenance officer and full time mechanic.

“Once we get commercialised and you start seeing fuel flow off and on Port Melville, that’s when a lot of these jobs will have to be around and hopefully we can have people from the Island actually skilled up to be doing these roles,” said Lindsay.


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